Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ice cream in Nagano, march 2012
300 yen 

On Sunday 23 of December 2012 I discovered a new sport, which enables patient and endurance, it’s so easy and yet difficult to achieve in a long distance track, it’s called SCHNEESCHUHLAUF of more simple snow shoe walk.  Let me tell you about this sport, it’s a damn great sport. It´s meditative, cardiovascular, no special skills needed.  It´s this kind of sport that gives a twist to trekking on the mountain. Our goal, Amden: mountain: Leistkamm

3 people gathered to make this adventure, although our track wasn´t more than 15 km long, it was long enough in a way, on how slow you walk through the snow. On the other hand it wasn’t that long because you get in a meditative trance, hearing your heart beat on each moment you take fresh air , stopping a bit to get inspired by the magnificent landscape, feeling how the sun paints on the waving canvas of the snow.
with anja a nice friend!

I was inspired by this sport, it’s not as exciting as ski, but is more meditative and you end up felling great after a good workout and a perfect time with yourself.

It is essential to have this kind of activities here in Switzerland, to get inspired by the country, to become more Swiss and not to get bored here!!

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