Monday, May 02, 2016

Here I am , working in this blog again,  I am definitely a lousy writer, I was thinking i could do this in a Diary , , so I bought a diary, well ,  it not a diary, but an agenda, with not so much space for writing which it is fantastic, so far I have wrote nothing at all,
and hopefully this blog will save me from my lazyness of writing and expressing myself. I have to squeeze my brain a bit to enjoy life and feel honored I am a person. because jjjeeeeesus, this smartphones are not the best thing that has happened to me.Nor the world. It is a thing that suck your intellectuality, and because im not of this time and not from millennial generation I dont belong in this situation, even if I have adopted it, i just look ridiculous, hey comon,
MA scenography
MA scenography
MA scenography

does not equals  a guy in a tram looking his iphone the whole fucking ride. I should be doing philosophical works by now.

anyway, tomorrow I go  to Belgrade to present my final project.
I`m really happy getting international now, even if its a student show, I guess it is great I have this opportunity,
Today, as I got time to walk to the cinema at 2 pm and see the CIVIL WAR, I thought that I am having a second opportunity , just like if I just recently got out of BA. then I thought I am really having another opportunity, and then It struck me , that I really have to take care of my body, everything is fantastic, and have another shot in my scenography career, and hopefully I dont screw it up.
Here are some photos of my last week trip to Sardegna, a fantastic place  . I thought you go there after 50, but it seems, i'm 40 now so i came 10 years before,  that's not so early either, im getting older, but my mind is getting younger,  . there these segundo aire,

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...