Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ice cream in Nagano, march 2012
300 yen 

On Sunday 23 of December 2012 I discovered a new sport, which enables patient and endurance, it’s so easy and yet difficult to achieve in a long distance track, it’s called SCHNEESCHUHLAUF of more simple snow shoe walk.  Let me tell you about this sport, it’s a damn great sport. It´s meditative, cardiovascular, no special skills needed.  It´s this kind of sport that gives a twist to trekking on the mountain. Our goal, Amden: mountain: Leistkamm

3 people gathered to make this adventure, although our track wasn´t more than 15 km long, it was long enough in a way, on how slow you walk through the snow. On the other hand it wasn’t that long because you get in a meditative trance, hearing your heart beat on each moment you take fresh air , stopping a bit to get inspired by the magnificent landscape, feeling how the sun paints on the waving canvas of the snow.
with anja a nice friend!

I was inspired by this sport, it’s not as exciting as ski, but is more meditative and you end up felling great after a good workout and a perfect time with yourself.

It is essential to have this kind of activities here in Switzerland, to get inspired by the country, to become more Swiss and not to get bored here!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

sunrise rolls    vietnam restaurant in Berlin  4 Euros

Last week I went to Berlin for 6 days to write along with my friend Ramiro Torres an opera about Godzilla, as expected Berlin was cold and cloudy. We meet in an apartment Ramiro rented for out time day, It turned to be  an apartment with gay decoration, although I am a gay friendly guy  I got impressed by such fancy artsy gay images,  which I found so fun and crazy to see, I guess  my gay friends will be always crazier than me.
To start writing an opera was a big task, Ramiro is a play writer, I’m a scenographer and director but we have never done this before, We took the idea of the project thinking that we had enough experience in our fields, and it would be interesting to write an opera of a monster that is 300 meters tall, spits fire and is indestructible. Wow, what a task how would we do that? we knew our disadvantage of not knowing  how to write an opera in the traditional way, would be an advantage rather than a handicap, and we had to decide how to make the opera , what would be the main story. 
We decided to base it in the first movie but with actual stories of the making of Godzilla, and not to base it entirely in all the movies.
While writing the opera every day, we had a chance to go to some places in Berlin, like a party from my friend Lisa Borges; she made a magazine and was the opening party of a beautiful well crafted magazine.   We also saw Tannhäuser the Wagner opera, in the deutsche oper, it was really perfect to see something refreshing and not so expensive, it was amazing the singers and it had 6 minutes applause, a wonderful production.  
I kind of walked around the city for a while looking at the nice west and east part of the city which it is a great contrast. I love Berlin because it always gives you surprises in every corner, you actually feel alive there, and it is fantastic the way Berliners are.
Lovely Berlin, I miss you already

Saturday, December 01, 2012

jugo BOMBA all the fruits  plus different cereals, super king size, 
$ 45 pesos 

Hello life!!, are you strong??? Are you fragile?? I usually confuse life and Mother Nature, is it the same? Is it male and female? Got your message life, I got your message of your power to our fragile body and mind. I got ill, thanks for reminding me that. I got ill not because I’m a irresponsible human being, but I got ill because I’m not functioning well in my task of being a link in evolution, rather imp a self acting person that sometimes  when being confused shifts landscapes of minds. I´m a person that reacts in so many ways that me evolving personality is a spiral rather than a straight line. I don’t see the clear picture; I usually go around it, looking everything else except the clear picture. And that sometimes have give me some great pleasures and some frustrations of not doing what I really want. And as I grow older I realize so many things I have done, and so many things I haven’t, and that is how human works I guess, we are the only ones with high expectations and the only ones who can fall so high. Life , thank you for making me ill for a while, maybe this day I will realize how to get back in the natural system  of being a link of evolution, just like bees,
I was in Mexico for three weeks; somehow I got perfect sense of balance between warm energy and cold energy. Which I normally took it for granted. In Mexico, my cradle, I realized I have been shifting countries for too long now, but I also realized not everybody had been living in  8 different countries for more than 1 year, I love Mexico, and that love grew stronger this weeks, I also realized, that nobody in the world is guilty of not achieving my goals, I’m the guilty one, I’m to blame, I usually looked for excuses in individuals, then in people, then in societies, then in countries, and now, as I have the best wife anyone could give me, living in a perfect ( too perfect) country  which I could make dreams come true, and somehow  I’m numb, that’s why nature made me ill, so I  have a warning to do my things I have to do, not  tomorrow, not after tomorrow, today, today , today.

In any case, today my life begins with a new impulse, with a new emerging energy!!
1 meditating early in the morning
2 having healthy breakfast
3 repairing my weaknesses
4 walk for 45 minutes
5 learn something new
6 one hour of set design knowledge,
7. Learning software
8 having great time with my wife
9 learning German, (Swiss German)

It is hard to write about what I really want, I always get back to self things, but now talking about life is in a way twee or corny, but, I learned in Japan that corniness is vital to have a balance.
And Japan is corny, Mexico is corny, Switzerland is super corny, 

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...