Wednesday, March 28, 2007

chilango vladimir from UNAM and peter brook, two characters I´m gonna meet tomorrow in DF!!!, I think peter brook would be glad to have chilango vladimir as his main character in his plays, I think they would blend so good, hopefully we three can go and drink a corona in a chilango bar, so brook could really see the chilango nacote power!!! and can get inspired with this instead of going far away to africa to have some inspiration.
At least vladimir would be awesome in The lord of the flies.

Monday, March 26, 2007


I’ve seen so many different sets around the world, in and out the theatre space. I’ve seen good and bad examples about urban interventions, the theories of Marc AugĂ©´s place and no-place has been read, used, re-used, dismantled, and reinvented by so many artists.. They have been making different works with distorted perceptions of the transitory promenade Le corbusier started to use in his dynamic houses, I’ve seen how time and travel are physically connected to humans, and how modern human depends on speed to travel and think, but the rules of time are paradoxically based on how people act and react on modern life and its consequences. I’ve seen a lot of different things in life, some more ephemeral, and other less ephemeral.
Let me put you now something inside your mind!! Let me put you 2 concepts:
we know that the concept of eternal is based more or less on the time human being have reached its greatness giving a legacy to new generations to come, And this legacy is still around us, example, the Mayan pyramids. These pieces of architecture have been around us for a long time, and it seem they will last forever!!!

On the other hand ephemeral as the little prince find out is the concept people use everywhere, every time. ”ephemeral is something created with a really near death" And this concept is also based on the speed and time we use to do ordinary things. Travel, for instance is something kind of boring right now because the concept of traveling usually means “to be there, somewhere, still, not moving at all, just admiring. Before this modern concept, voyage meant moving from one place to another not having a specific goal, not knowing where you will finish, where you will stop!, the travel is everything, the voyage is the absolute sensation, the sensation to move, be part of time and speed in your own terms, your own rules, becoming phenomenological about it.
The problem begins when the word TOUR and TOURISM came to town. And everything was screwed, especially when money is the center of attention. Eternity and Ephemeral, have a strange connection somehow, surreal in a way but great, BUT... when you mix the empty and sarcastic concept of making tour with the product of wise thinking for eternal greatness...the result then is destructive... to people, to our souls, to our architecture and set designs, to our culture. And when you blend it more whit the plastic empty balloon tire culture like some countries have, (specially the one on tope of my country) I don’t even want to describe the final result we make.
All this comments because I went to the beach last week and saw the most horrible set design ever, if you can call it that, cardboard Mayan pyramid made for toilets, anyway, I give you some photos on eternal ephemeral shit!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

gonna go to the beach, san pancho, sayulitga, lo de marcos, that else can you wish for, If theres a place where you clean your mind thats, it!!! gonna eat a ton of shrimps and make myself a hat with the oisters shells, go surfing and explore the best of the virgin beaches of my home land, man. gonna crush coconuts with the sharks tail and open a corona with his teeth, and when I come back gonna make the set for the chemical brothers concert in mexico, aaaa life is good when you pursue what you want.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

hey adrian!! Its time to explote!! time to take out your inner energy, transformed into creativity and talent. you have the choice to make it happen, It´s up to you . I do´t know many people who´s getting anxious to make yoursef creative machine, because most of the people I know are doing it!!!!

man, you have everithing except time to transform air into formal creations. why wait If you have paradise ahead of you , you are still in time man, not like others that are working on a DEMO for 10 years without releasing anything. Soda stereo-camaleon-mp3

Anyway, on the 29 of march we will go to mexico city and see PETER BROOK´S latest work, finally is gonna be great to see on practice the author of Empty space and the open door. Man i cant wait for that show!!!, this picture is great along with Grotowsky

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

first day of the set preview, it wasn´t that sucessful

but it will be better...oh yes, it will be better

I once heard that a horse is just like a human, and they can become great friends, better than a dog, because they also have authority on you, they can bring you down when they want to. I was thinking of the histories greatest horses , Don quixote´s ROSINANTE, or zorros TORNADO, or the lone ranger´s SILVER, or the talking horse MR ED. There´s also theatre plays like EQUSS that they bring the phisical strenght and erotic masculinity in a boys twisted mind, There´s the horse of TROY, this magnific sculpture that destroyed a whole city. I just read that horses have a sixth sense that only humans can capture and viceversa..

The problem is that horses know about our sixth sense and they understand it, but us humans don´t even know we have it, And is the same sixth sense that makes a man different because it depends on this extra sense to qualify a person´s talent , specially artistically speaking.

The article also say that People always feel great when they are around horses, because this great animals reflect our own sixth sense back to us again, therefore horses are ina way a mirror of our talent , of our inner beauty , and our greatness that we usually ignore. Thats also why many many artists take the horse as a main theme in their work.

so think about it , and when you feel alone or sad, go find a horse , look them in the eye and become something special!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

SENSACIONAL DE MARICONES The new theatre play I worked on!! opens tomorrow, directed by Victor Castillo, It will be in the IMSS theatre until june.
check the greatest man alive don cheto-el tatuado-mp3

Monday, March 05, 2007

As i´m looking for a new flat to live. I found just a glimpse of the prototype house ofwhat drugdealers houses looks like , the old van is used to be in desguise . Notice the big golden shell, the poor dog is not a drugdealer.

inaniel-devranda banhart-mp3

I dedicated myself doing this instead of going to the ROGER WATERS concert. What a bastard I am!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

holy week slowly is coming and i^m starting to plan where i want to purify my soul, I don´t think I´m going to church, nor the beach , but where the hi people are, san andres cohamiata jalisco. let me tell you about this place your lungs hurt there because the fresh and pure air, your ears hurt because the quietness there is, not even the wind sounds. But let me tell you , is the closest to heaven you can get, on thursday theres a guy who whips you 3 times to punish you for your sin, and theres a guy with a gorilla mask pretending to be the devil, and he is telling you stuff in huichol language and pushing you all around, on friday they gather 50 cows and they sacrifice them one by one, and the first blood the cow pours out they put it in a jar and they put a feather inside and take it out and then the witches throw blood to a jesus in the cross sculture, you can´t get more bizarre than that!!!, and then they dance the whole night with a 7 m diameter fire eating peyote and tejuino , an alcoholic beverage.

after this the next day they make rituals, you can go alongside the canyon, incredible view, incredible landscepe, deserted, you feel alive!!!you have to go there one day MIND OVER MIDI - track 07 - mp3

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...