Monday, March 05, 2007

As i´m looking for a new flat to live. I found just a glimpse of the prototype house ofwhat drugdealers houses looks like , the old van is used to be in desguise . Notice the big golden shell, the poor dog is not a drugdealer.

inaniel-devranda banhart-mp3

I dedicated myself doing this instead of going to the ROGER WATERS concert. What a bastard I am!!


zazila said...

An excellent example of art nacó.

Anonymous said...

I love these two photographs!!! It looks so peaceful.


Νίκος said...

Hi Rod! like your post! Hope you are well.
I am waiting for your posts at the PQ blogs my friend.

Anonymous said...

Jua jua, justo hoy le conté al michoacano sobre el art-narcó y lo fácil que es para el ojo mexicano ubicar las casas de los capos en todos lados. Le traté de describir estas fachadas tipo partenón de petatiux y sus adoradas cúpulas con crucecita arriba.
Le diré que vea esta foto y un día que nos reunamos, haremos un recorrido en el estado de Morelos para ubicar sus casitas de campo. Nomás por hacer turismo arquitectónico.


 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...