Monday, October 08, 2007

La casa tomada is a house that 60 artists have made an intervention during the cervantino in Guanajuato. This one was number six,, it was really cool because the landscape potentialized this amorphus sculpture . Miguel mesa and I stayed 5 hours making this animal, slowly this helium beast becomed alive with help of the weather. The house is full of paintings and installations, some of them excellent, some of them not so good, but, artists from Guanajuato have more heart and are more interesting than the artists from guadalajara. It is more profound what they do, It is more emblematic and make more sense the artistic way.

After some time , children up the hill where screaming as hell to pull up the beast, to have this sensation of being attacked by a kind of guanajuato monster.
we also attached a camera to the beast to see how it pulls up the sky,
heres some music
bauhaus-new entries-mp3




Beatriz Ortiz-Wario said...

Hola! No te conozco personalmente y no sé cómo tienes mi mail, pero estoy impresionada con tu trabajo. Creo que es muy propositivo.
Bueno, sólo quería dejarte un saludo.
Beatriz Ortiz Wario

zazila said...

Es como una medusa, me gusta.

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...