Sunday, August 05, 2007

So we took advantage of the weather and the flooding in my city so we made an instalation project. life savers on a tree where the tunnel always floods, where christopher columbus is and where all the cars always sails through the dark urban sea tunnel. as my friend will started making installations, well, I will do it too. So I hop e we can connect with belfast - guadalajara to make an interactive installation, hopefully it works well. this is the photo of the front page of the newspaper. i cant believe it went all through the front page of the city´s most popular newspaper .

1 comment:


Qué chido ver una foto de tu proyecto en el periódico hermano de Milenio Diario... y mira que yo sé, tras haber entrado a muuuuchas juntas editoriales, lo que cuesta seleccionar la foto de portada!!!
Besos muchos.

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...