One more day on the conquest in my city!!! yesterday evening we went to see an exhibition from Ivan puig at Sector Reforma Gallery, which it was kind of exiting, In a way it was nice to see this strange mashines that he made , Self working mashines that make music, It reminded me alot of swiss artist Jean Tanguely´s self destructing mashines, Well It is basically the same but more basic, althou the exhibition was nothing new, because many artists in the 50th and 60th experimented with all this mashines, It was a refreshment for young art lovers who didn´t knew this type of experiental art, from John Cage, Tinguely , Duchamp, Beuys, anomg others. watch a quick video of the installation.
It was Tinguely the mexican way which it was OK. Anyway people gathered there , socialized, drank , you know, nice night in an opening of an exhibition. You could also see all the boos searchers, The pose, etc. All that the artist needs to feel great.
check this out!!! A METHOD - TV ON THE RADIO. MP3
Ups, me dan un poco de miedo estas máquinas ruidosas... aunque me gustan...
A mi me gusta mucho Tanguili no se si viste la pieza que esta en la orilla del Zürich See. O sea que probablemente esta expo me gustaria.
un saludo desde un Zürich lluvioso y gris.
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