Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sevis, birthday delight to me!!
price: priceless

One of the main things that clearly transformed my view on opera is the way Opera is made in different places around the world; it is for me the indisputable most gorgeous show on earth, (and big rock shows). But after being one and a halve years in Japan looking every day  on every opera how  it was made in the New National Theatre  and then going to Merida which everything runs in s l o w    m o t i o n    and making everything in a month , that definitely told me three things:

1: In Mexico we leave everything at the last moment (even operas) and in Japan they plan the operas long before they knew what opera was!! 

2. - Mexicans are capable of achieving anything without planning if we just plan  long before the AFTER PARTY  at the end of the opera shows,

3. Mexicans are really efficient, even more than Japanese, but we have a lack of discipline, 

4. I can’t imagine some Mexican  production  ( opera , architecture, theatre ) being planned long time in advance, This has never happened in Mexican history ,  I supposed if something was really planned in advanced  it would be super mega spectacular!!!!!!!   But the last time that happened was when the MAYAS predicted millenniums before   the end of the world!!!!  So, the Mayan end of the world and the concept of Mexicans preparing for a show years before will never happen! ( perhaps the Mayas prediction will).

I had a chance to encounter perfect artists in this show, singers and musicians where excellent along with the production manager and executive producer!!
We had great harmony and perfect timing to finish as soon as possible this opera, monumental opera that is, 
SAMSON AND DELILAH is so far the biggest one I had made.
I got in touch with my feelings again and all along the process of constructing the set and staging it came always close to perfect! I now know I have learned good stuff in Japan, stuff that makes my process quicker! I have synthesized the production plan, and had  great people who helped me build the set. 
The director Cesar Piña really believed in me all along, and he has such confidence in me that he knew I was going to make a great job before I knew!!
                                                                   Peon Contreras theatre

I have also made a great friend.   Carlos Arce!!! Great lighting designer and great person! I hope I can work more with them!
Japan has been a great place to learn, and I am really proud of being here with my mentors, ISONO SAN , SAZANAMI SAN AND SHIMAKAWA SAN,  
I hope soon I can make another great opera!!!

                                             Jorge cervantes, leo Vásquez, Rodrigo Guadarrama, cesar piña, Carlos arce

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 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...