Monday, February 21, 2011

I begin this new blog season greeting everyone who is still interested in our not so fancy life rather exquisite in day by day surprises,

as a scenographer Japan is by far the best example of exuberant and eccentric everyday life. in a way that has troubled me a little, because, I really can´t believe I stayed long time in a pseudo cave city as Guadalajara, Mexico, really, I mean, there everything is upside down, nothing works, and people are always fighting for bones!, coming here is to be born again, not understanding anything but having sympathy for a culture that has putted me in jeopardy because it has showed me the twisted way of thinking.

So 1. Me a scenographer is going to make professional practice in NNT new national theatre Tokyo,

2. going to understand tow the technical part works, as well as the aesthetic Japanese way of thinking works, I met with Mr. toru shimakawa , the most well known ser designer, and he will be my tutor, and my guide. We talked about what I want to do, what my interests are, and how I will adapt in Japanese culture. We took a coffee and discussed set design and Japanese TV game shows, which sometimes they go hand by hand.

This is my first post after sometime, tomorrow Ill start to get dense in my acts and facts and of course ill present you with the food of the day!! but of course godzilla will fill the blanks for today.




Anonymous said...

Deja tus coordenadas, no bro? Mail me! Yoursis

zazila said...

I miss my upside down city more than anything. Que bueno que encontraste tu lugar, ya sea por un ratito, o por un ratote!

Un abrazo

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...