Parking lot for piracy people, the virgin is guiding them how to make piracy without getting caught. Thats what mister jose lopez told me while buying photoshop for the 5th time in the market, st jonny market, you see , people who seel piracy cd od dvd are normally as intelligent as a goldfish, but this guy gave me a cd with this great 1990 song , actually is pretty crap , but the memories are great, enjoy
the fresh prince.summertime.mp3
Estos piratas... bueno, al menos arman una colorida instalación en esa calle.
Un beso.
Los pros y los contras de la pirateria, de ello podriamos discutir hasta la eternidad....!
te dejo un link que seguro que vas a agradecer:
checkalo! si te registras puedes escuchar discos enteros de un monton de gente online!!!
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