Monday, April 23, 2007

Its sometimes difficult to see how people behave in different situations. Our mind is sometimes so powerful we amaze ourselves on the the things we achieve. BUT, when someone is ill or sick it´s sad how the brain demostrates it´s weak functionality against any kind of illness. I´ve been near people with different illness who have died or about to die. I understand how they are suffering , how their will to live slowly dissapears. I kind of understand that. What I don´t understand is the power of TV. you see, the people I´ve met who died where really great intellectual people. some weeks before they died everything started to rely on TV. That piece of concentrated nonsense light is the only thing they want to see, not even a movie!!. My question is, and i´m getting too far here maybe! why , if you are about to die, and you can´t do anything else , leave your senses and last enjoying moment to music? MUSIC!!?
If I was going to die of cancer or anything like that , one of my last requests would be to throw the TV out the window, hear it been crushed and destroy and start to hear the music I´ve never heared before. Whatever music that is, because my ears would really be more in connection with my brain, and music would penetrate more in my soul. So I leave the music waves to temporary heal whatever it´s left of me. Instead of relying of discusting talkshows and TV commertials that makes you sick anyway.
This is not a nice comment, but I have been recently near people with serious illness and It reminded me of when my mother passed away. I was really trying to make her hear her favorites songs, but TV was stronger.......fuck TV.


zazila said...

Pues seguimos esperando las pelĂ­culas.

Anonymous said...

I totally get what you are saying.
un abrazo.

Tu sis.

 1 am. 24 january 2021 corona virus is still on the mood to swipe every single stupid people in the world. and old too. It has been a while ...